
Showing posts from August, 2011

10 Qualities for Being Counted Among the Best

For many people, being good isn't good enough.  They want to be the best, or at least that’s what they say. I do not have any issue with setting ambitious goals and pushing oneself to “do your best'”, but I’m not sure I know what “THE best” educator is.  Does THE best have the happiest students?  Highest test scores?  Most engaged class?  Meets every deadline for reporting? Maybe being THE best is a part of a much more reasonable, and frankly more collegial, goal – to be AMONG the best. Does that sound like a group with whom you want to be associated?  Yes?  Me, too.  So, what does it take to be AMONG the best?  Here is a list of 10 qualities that may determine an educator’s membership AMONG the best.  These are the qualities that separate the good from the great.  Educators who exhibit these qualities are the linchpins of your school. 10 Qualities for Being Counted Among the Best Deep and wide content mastery Guide student progress using both summative and formative

New Report Has Implications for Head/Board Relationships

In a recent article, Executive Directors Should Invest More Time on Their Boards , Rick Moyers summarizes two findings from a report called The Board Paradox , by CompassPoint and the Meyer Foundation. First, many executive directors don’t spend all that much time working with their boards. More than half of survey respondents said they spent 10 hours or less per month supporting their boards. Ten hours may sound significant, but that is just 6 percent of a full-time executive director’s time. Maybe even less, since many executives work more than 40 hours a week. Second, executives who spend more time on their boards are more satisfied with their boards’ performance. As an example, among executive directors who said they spent less than five hours a month supporting the board, just 13 percent said they were very satisfied with the board’s performance. Among those who spent five to 10 hours per month on the board, 34 percent were very satisfied. Taken together, these two findings su

How Social and Market Norms Affect Education

Recently, I began reading Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions   by Dan Ariely.  While only about 100 pages into the book, I am compelled to share my thoughts concerning a topic raised regarding the effects of social and market norms.  These effects are discussed in the context of how we live in two worlds simultaneously.  One world consists of social exchanges governed by a set of social norms.  The other world consists of market exchanges regulated by a set of market norms. Social norms are simply described as "friendly requests that people make of one another."  Acions taken under social norms are usually "warm and fuzzy", do not require "instant payback" or "immediate reciprocity", and provide mutual pleasure.  Dr. Ariely uses as an example, the request by a neighbor to help move a couch or opening a door for someone else. Market norms , on the other hand, are "sharped-edged" exchanges.  Typica

American Society of Independent School Educators Update and Invitation

A little while back, I wrote about an idea to form the American Society of Independent School Educators.  The idea is to create a society designed to bring together the collective wisdom of independent school educators (and others who share a set of basic principles  about education) in an effort to improve education for all students.  The resulting effect being the advancement of independent school education through the work of the school’s most valuable assets - the people who deliver the school’s programs and are responsible for the school’s operations. The ASISE is designed to support independent schools through the networking and development of independent school educators.  To strengthen schools by strengthening educators. The basic principles from which I have worked on this idea are: A community whose foundation is built upon honesty and trust. It values the diversity that accompanies an inclusive network of professionals. Its members are mission-driven, student-focused, a

The Power of the “Minimum Standard Experience”

Leaders who encourage innovation and independence are often identified by a motivated team working towards realizing their shared vision of excellence.  There is also a feeling of unlimited potential that allows team members to use their individual strengths to accomplish organizational goals.  In other words, without a step-by-step “how to” manual, team members find ways to accomplish goals in their own manner. There is little doubt as to the benefits of such an environment, but without proper feedback and follow through, the leader cannot appropriately support the team’s efforts and the team can inadvertently create an inconsistent experience.  In order to avoid inconsistencies, leaders need to clearly define the minimum standard experience for the various operations.  Once the minimum standard experience is defined and understood, leaders then provide the support necessary to ensure the team can deliver this experience. The minimum standard experience does not, however, need to be

Avoiding "The Set-Up"

Late at night, I held the truth in my hand just like a little shiny jewel Early in the morning, I look in the mirror and see the same old fool from the song, Late at Night by The Subdudes Every summer, as teachers and administrators prepare for the upcoming school year, goals are set, agendas are created, and plans are developed.  For many, this advance work focuses the year and provides a clear and sustainable path for school and/or program improvement.  For others, well they end up looking in the mirror (see lyrics above). I am not immune to "over-goaling" and having to face the fact that in reality there are ONLY 24 hours in a day.  Over time, I have even given a name to the situation caused by "over-goaling" - I call it "The Set-Up." "The Set-Up" underestimates how difficult a new idea is to implement blinds you to the reality of leading change by shining it's "light of brilliance" in your face carries an operational b

12 Questions to Help Guide Your School Communications

When preparing or reflecting on your communications, ask yourself these questions: Is the message written in a way that invites the recipient to be a partner with you in the educational process? Is it obvious that your motivation is, above all, to help the student? Are you focused on the student “in front of you” or something down the road? Have you reviewed your “non-negotiables?” Have you talked with the people you may need for support (administrators, department chairs, etc.)? Did you include all necessary parties in the communication? Have you clarified the reason for the communication up front? Do you have the answer or do you need time to think on it? Did you communicate what you CAN and WILL do? Did you summarize at the end to make sure everyone is on the same page? Is an email, phone call, or face to face meeting needed? Is it a difficult conversation? If so, did you start with “I need your help…?” Are you approaching it from a learning perspective? Are y

My Reading Lineup (or how I seem to spend most of my free time)

"I cannot live without books." Thomas Jefferson I have read quite a few books so far this year.  Reading is a critical piece to my professional development and I am rarely unhappy with any book.  Having said that, I am also somewhat selective, so for a book to disappoint me is quite rare. Here is the list of what I have read so far in 2011.  If you have read some of these, feel free to share your thoughts below. The Roddy Reading Lineup (as of 8/14/2011) Seven Secrets of the Savvy School Leader: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving  by Robert Evans A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future  by Daniel Pink Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us  by Daniel Pink Poke the Box  by Seth Godin Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?  by Seth Godin Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us  by Seth Godin Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions  by Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Any

Thoughts About Improving the Public Image of Teachers

A recent article by Claudia Sanchez of NPR News highlighted some reasons why teachers around the country are upset over the public image of educators and the confusing political landscape that affects reform efforts.  In full disclosure, I am not a public school teacher.  I work for an independent private school, but I also know that a rising tide lifts all boats…and a falling tide lowers all boats.  I have met some outstanding public school teachers over the years and I have great respect for the work they do in their schools.  Therefore, after reading the NPR piece, I offer the following reflection as a message to all teachers who are working to repair and improve the public image of teachers around the country. The bottom line is change. Policy change, image change, change in focus, etc. Much has been written about change and leading change.  Recently, I read a blog post by Dan Rockwell in which he states that change basically comes in four forms: Do more of something. Do le

The End Is Near…Thank Goodness!

The end is near!  Are you ready?  Have you prepared yourself for the judgment coming? Wait, is that a pale horse?  No, just a dusty Ford Mustang. Phew! Yes, the end is near.  The end of summer vacation that is.  Thank goodness! I don’t care much for the summer vacation months.  Don’t get me wrong, I like going on vacation.  I like spending time with my family.  I like getting away for a little while.  What I don’t like is the quiet in my building.  I work administrators hours during the summer and, frankly, I miss the noise.  I miss the energy.  I miss the unexpected.  In other words, I miss the students. Students are the life of the school.  The course through the hallways like oxygen rich blood bringing much needed nutrients to the  cells that are our classrooms (that’s cells as in the building blocks of matter, not prison cells!). I am always uneasy around educators who are SO open about how much they can’t wait for their vacations.  They tweet, email, and Facebook post messa

Own your class

The rapidly approaching school year prompts us all to do some last minute reflection about the upcoming year.  Here is one of the tips I have reflected upon recently.  It is good advice for new and returning teachers. Own your class. What does that mean? Owning is personal.  Owning is passionate.  Owning empowers you.  Owning your class transforms your work into your cause. When we borrow something, we are careful to give it back in the same or better condition.  When we own something, it quickly becomes a part of us. For example: If you rent a car, it is expected to be returned in the same condition (with even the same amount of gas in the tank). Buy a car?  What happens?  Bumper stickers, radio presets, empty cans, change under the seats, etc. It becomes yours. Rent a tuxedo?  You better count the cuff links before returning.  Buy a tuxedo?  Use any links you like. In your class, the same idea applies.  Own your class.  Show up ready to put your own innovative twist on an

Mediocre Teaching is the Fuel that Keeps Standardization Ahead of Innovation.

Mediocre teaching is the fuel that keeps standardization ahead of innovation. Standards are needed to try to ensure a minimum standard of quality.  In business, this was probably more important when people were less sophisticated and information was less available.  Today, we have access to enough information to make all of us capable of making good choices and recognizing poor quality when we see it.  We also have more choices in the global economy, thus poor products are quickly identified and the word spreads.  Bad products do not last.  They do not enhance our lives.  They do not connect us to others.  Who wants to be part of a tribe of people identified by their loyalty to a bad product?  Nobody.  Bad stuff can’t hide. In education, standards are put in place for the same reason.  Their importance is enhanced when quality is suspect.  When students are doing great work, nobody points to the standards.  When students aren’t learning, standards are front and center in the debate.