Low Hanging Fruit

Image found at http://www.retaildoc.com/blog/fruit 
"Low hanging fruit" is a term describing objectives that are easily achieved with little effort.  While I would suggest NOT including low hanging fruit as a part of your professional goals, there may be value in recognizing how "picking such fruit" may play an important role in maintaining your efforts over time

In other words, though you may prefer the "tastier" fruit located on higher branches, don't starve yourself by ignoring the sustenance in front of you.  Work tirelessly to achieve your most desired goals by feeding off of some less "important" achievements in the short run.

For educators, I have often seen many good teachers and administrators with wonderful goals who mistakenly ignore easy, short term gains because they think it will derail them from working towards their larger, more impressive long term achievements.

Long term, higher reaching goals are vital, but unless you also find ways to sustain momentum and motivation, you are likely to fall short of your goals.

That low hanging fruit in front of you may provide the essential "nutrients" to keep you moving "up the tree."

Question for educators:

What "low hanging fruit" do you think exists in schools that can help provide the energy you need to keep working on your long term goals? - Comment below with your ideas

Also, as with all my posts this month, I ask you to consider joining me to help support a worthy cause - St. Jude's Research Hospital.  Between now and the end of January, 2012, I will donate $1 US for every copy of either of my two eBooks purchased.  You can find additional information about this offer by clicking here or you can simply click on either book cover above to purchase that title.

As of the writing of this post, 7 copies have been purchased.  My goal is 100, but we still have over a month to go.  PLEASE consider this cause and, if comfortable, send this request to your friends.

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